Do you want to enjoy more intense, powerful and impressive ejaculations?

You want a bigger penis. Not a broken, painful and ugly one

Most penis enlargement methods simply don't work. And many can cause pain and permanent disfigurement. Here's what you need to know to keep your penis safe from harm. The costs of getting this wrong can be huge

Perfect penis method

Wasted money

Some penis enlargement methods and products come with a hefty price tag. That wouldn't be so much of an issue if they worked. But with most you may as well burn your money.

Pain and shame

Imagine yourself in the emergency room, naked from the waist down, explaining to your doctor what happened. That's not to mention the actual pain.

Feeling like a fool

Don't beat yourself up if you've tried the methods below. Your desire to feel better about your penis makes you try things you otherwise wouldn't.

Perfect penis method

"Everything about enlargement surgery is a disaster."

If there was a safe and easy procedure that could give you a bigger penis, surgeons like me would be driving Bugattis made of gold. Best case scenario? Your flaccid penis droops a bit lower, but your erection points to your feet. Worst case, you end up with a deformed dick that no woman wants to put inside her. My advice: don't do it.”

John D. | US-based surgeon
Perfect penis method
Perfect penis method
Perfect penis method

Alternative 1:Penis Surgery - It's risky and may not work

Surgeons can increase length by cutting the suspensory ligament that attaches your penis to the pubic bone. Your flaccid penis hangs lower, so looks a little longer (about 2 cm). But your erection doesn't get bigger - in fact, it can end up pointing at the ground. And because you lose stability, you're more likely to get a nasty injury during sex.

Doctors can also increase girth by injecting fat into the shaft of your penis. But this is often temporary as the body reabsorbs the fat, and it can cause permanent disfiguring.


Risk of permanent disfigurement of your penis. Painful and deformed erections.


Very expensive. In the US it's between $15,000 and $50,000. Less in other countries.


Your flaccid penis hangs lower, but surgery doesn't improve erection size.


Pretty easy to turn up at the hospital. But significant post-op pain.

Perfect penis method

Alternative 2:Penis Pumps - Gives you erections, but no growth

You place your penis in the device and then pump out the air to create a vacuum. This draws blood into your penis causing it to get hard. A penis pump can help you get an erection firm enough for sex, if you suffer from erectile dysfunction.

But there is no evidence they will permanently increase the size of either your flaccid or erect penis. And there are many reports of pain and discomfort, including painful bruising, burst blood vessels, numbness, tingling, trapped semen and painful ejaculations.


There is a significant risk of pain and permanent disfigurement of your penis.


Can help you get hard, but won't help you get any bigger.


Can help you get hard, but won't help you get any bigger.


Can be tricky to use without hurting yourself (and not exactly great foreplay).

This is what happens when risky penis enlargement goes wrong.

Let's be honest, if a simple pill worked every guy would be walking around with a big dick. And some would be pushing theirs around in a fucking wheelbarrow.

Penis pumps are extremely uncomfortable. It feels like your dick is about to get ripped off your body.

One of the true lessons in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it's bullshit. Pills that make you bigger fall firmly into that category.

The pump was so noisy it was impossible to use it discreetly. I had to wait until no one was in the house and that means you can't use it when you want to.

A pump can help you get hard, there is good evidence for that. But you'll never get bigger, there is zero evidence for that.

If you're not careful the pump will bruise your manhood. It can even suck in your testicle and bruise that too. Trust me, that is not fun!

My cousin took some so called enlargement pills that he'd bought online. Of course nothing at all happened to his dick, but he vomited so much he ended up in the emergency room.

Perfect penis method

Alternative 3:Penis Pills - A complete waste of your money

Pop a pill and grow your penis. It sounds too good to be true for a reason - it is. Penis enlargement pills have been around for decades. Sellers will claim that some special ingredient - a hormone, a vitamin, or a herb - will magically grow your penis.

But just imagine if these pills really existed. You would know about them. You'd see their adverts everywhere. The makers would be worth billions if not trillions of dollars. And almost every man on the planet would have taken one. Put simply, there are no pills that can grow your penis.


Most pills are harmless sugar pills, but some may contain harmful ingredients.


Ranging from $5 to $50.


Pills, like Viagra, work for erectile dysfunction. Enlargement pills do not.


Easy to buy and take them, of course. But a waste of time and money.

Perfect penis method

Alternative 4:Weights - A dangerous and ineffective method

Penis weights are just what they sound like, weights that you hang on your penis. The claim is that if you hang weights to your penis you will permanently stretch it. But there is no evidence to suggest this method works and may result in genital damage.

There are countless reports of people suffering injuries under the false promise of a bigger penis. These include skin lesions, tears, bruising, blood clotting, scarring, penile fracture, and loss of erectile function. Put simply, hanging heavy weights on your penis is as stupid and as risky as it sounds.


There is a significant risk of pain and permanent disfigurement of your penis.


Ranging from $5 to $50.


Completely ineffective at permanently lengthening your penis.


Hanging weights on your penis, without hurting yourself, is not easy.

Perfect penis method

Alternative 5:Extenders - A stretch too far

A penis extender is a traction device designed to stretch the penis over time. It typically consists of a base ring and an adjustable rod that exerts a gentle, consistent force on the penis. There is currently no good evidence that this works to permanently extend your penis.

And as you might expect, it comes with risks, too. Users of these devices report discomfort, pain, and damage to tissue. Also, you have to wear this often large and uncomfortable device for extended periods of time, making it very difficult to do discreetly.


There is a risk of pain and discomfort.


Ranging from $20 to $200.


Ineffective at permanently lengthening your penis.


High. It's uncomfortable, often painful, and you can't use it discreetly.