Do you want to enjoy more intense, powerful and impressive ejaculations?

Bigger. Thicker. Harder

Get the penis you've always wanted, without the pumps, pills, or painful surgery. This is the 100% natural way to permanently grow the length and girth of your penis.

Perfect penis method

They say size doesn't matter. But it doesn't feel like that when…

Perfect penis method

She Sees it

You can hide your small penis most of the time, people at work or school don't have to know. But when it comes to sex, there is no hiding. When you see her disappointment, or she barely feels you, there's no worse feeling. That's if you even have the courage to approach girls.

Perfect penis method

They judge

For sports and swimming you're often forced to undress in front of others as a teenager. Everyone looks, everyone compares size. So if you're small, everyone knows. This is a deeply uncomfortable and traumatic experience, one that can stay with you well into adulthood.

Perfect penis method

You hide it

A simple visit to a public toilet fills you with anxiety. To avoid anyone getting a glance at your penis you're forced to wait for a cubicle like a small child. Or you have to somehow shield yourself with your hands, so no one gets a peek. It's humiliating.

Perfect penis method

They Laugh

You're in the showers with your teammates or comrades and someone cracks a joke about your penis and everyone laughs. Sure, they think it's only banter, and you pretend you're in on the joke, but really that cuts deep. And no one ever treats you with the same respect again.

The science:Women fantasise
about bigger dicks

Research at the University of California asked hundreds of women to choose their ideal penis size. The results were startling. Compared to an analysis of 15,000 real penises, the average penis size that women preferred was bigger that 97% of actual penises.

In the same study, 20% of participating women said they had ended a relationship because their partner's penis was too small. So when someone tells you size doesn't matter, tell them that's not what the science says (and that women really need a reality check).

Perfect penis methodPerfect penis method
Perfect penis method

The dick women want is not the dick they're likely to find

Like it or not, that's the reality we face. So it's time to do something about it. You could change the innate desires of women (pretty tricky). Or you could get yourself a bigger penis (easier than you think).

Perfect penis method

Introducing the TM

Perfect Penis Method

The easy and natural way to get the penis you've always wanted

The Perfect Penis Method is a natural massaging and stretching regime that increases the penis's blood flow and capacity. Like working a muscle, you can permanently grow your penis by 3 cm (over one inch) or more. 

Perfect penis method
Perfect penis method

Stretch it. Naturally

Over the course of a 12 week program, the Perfect Penis method guides you through a series of stretching and massaging techniques. With just 20 minutes per day you can extend your penis by 3cm (one inch) or more. So this is not a get-big-quick scheme, it's a safe and steady way to get the penis length and girth you want.

Perfect penis method

Grow it. Like a muscle

Your penis contains two chambers of spongy tissue called the corpora cavernosa. These fill with blood when you're aroused. Your erection is a certain size because these cavities are a certain size. By exercising the shaft of your penis, you cause micro damage which is repaired, increasing capacity and giving you a bigger erection.

Simple, easy-to-follow daily exercises

Perfect penis method

1.Warm up

For best results, start each day with the Hot Wrap Warm Up

Perfect penis method

2. Exercise

Complete the daily exercises in just 20 minutes

Perfect penis method

3. Repeat

Stick to the regime to see measurable results by day 90

It's a cinch to get an extra inch

Why follow the  Perfect Penis Method?

Bigger. And better

You know pornstar dicks are not realistic. You're not looking to be huge, you just want to be big enough. Enough that you satisfy your partner. Enough that you're not embarrassed to undress in front of people.

With the Perfect Penis Method you can now have a penis you can be more proud of.

Get up. And stay up

Your partner's underwear is flying off. But seconds into the act, your erection is fading (or never got started at all). Impotence kills your confidence and denies you satisfying sex.

The Perfect Penis method improves blood flow and circulation to your penis, permanently improving your ability to get up and stay up.

Last longer. Enjoy more

You know the feeling. You've barely got started and you're ready to explode. Instead of truly enjoying sex, you're trying not to cum too fast. Women hate premature ejaculation. They need you to last, so they can have a good time, too.

The Perfect Penis program can improve your ability to last in bed, so you can enjoy a better sex life.

Perfect penis method

"I didn't want to be huge. I just wanted to be more normal..."

So I could undress in front of girls, or at the gym, without feeling intense shame. It's not much to ask for. I'm in the military so people see my penis all the time and yeah everyone took the piss. It got into my head so I had to do something about it. I now feel much better and confident about my penis.

John D. | Perfect Penis customer
Perfect penis method
Perfect penis method

And that's not all…

Introducing the

Ejaculation Expert

Perfect penis method

Enjoy more intense, powerful and impressive ejaculations

You've seen those spectacular eruptions online.   But when it comes to your release it's a little… disappointing in comparison. Wish your ejaculations were bigger, lasted longer and felt more intense?

With Ejaculation Expert (included with the Perfect Penis Method), you can say goodbye to those timid squirts and start climaxing like a champion.

100% natural way to restore the power of your ejaculations

Discover the best foods to eat to maximise semen production

Learn what time is best to eat before the big event, and much more…

Get a bigger, harderpenis in just a few weeks

Or you could take a knife to your penis😱

Please, don't do that. There are many penis enlargement "methods" you should avoid at all costs.

Penis pills

Sure, Libido Pills works. But that's a temporary erection. There are no pills that will enlarge your penis. So be suspicious of anyone making this claim. If they existed, you'd see adverts everywhere. You'd know the brands. Hell, you'd have bought a packet yourself.

Penis pumps

A penis pump (which uses a vacuum to draw blood into it) does not permanently enlarge your penis, only temporarily giving you an erection. And that's not to mention the pain, bruising, numbness, tingling, discoloration, burst blood vessels, and painful ejaculation that users have reported.

Penis surgery

A surgeon can cut the ligament that attaches your penis to the pubic bone. You might get an extra 2 cm when flaccid. But your erection can end up pointing straight down. It's also expensive, painful and risky (if you're feeling brave, Google "penis surgery disasters").

A bigger penis is almost in your hands

You're not happy with the size of your guy. So it's time to finally do something about it. Just don't let the powers of resistance get in your way.

Going to the gym. Sitting at a piano. Writing 1000 words. These are all difficult things to do every day. But the Perfect Penis exercises are not difficult to do. Just like brushing your teeth, you’ll find it easy to complete your daily stretches.

You’ll receive nothing in the post, and billing will be discreet. Plus, you’re not using a huge noisy penis pump. These are quiet exercises you can do discreetly in your bathroom or bedroom, if you want to keep things private.

The response to customer surveys are overwhelmingly positive. But we can’t guarantee the Perfect Penis Method will work for you. But in the unlikely event it doesn’t work for you, just ask for a refund and you’ll get it.

If this is you, stop
reading, don't buy… 

If you're currently 4 inches long and are hoping for 8, you're going to be sorely disappointed. This is not some miracle penis growing magic. The Perfect Penis method will give you good but reasonable growth. 

An extra inch, in most cases, is all you need to give your partner more pleasure (and simply feel better about your penis). This is what is possible with a natural stretching technique. So if you're expecting foot-long miracles, please don't buy – keep your money.

Not got bigger? Then
get your money back

If you've followed the Perfect Penis Method properly – that means doing all the daily exercises for at least 12 weeks – and you're not seeing any measurable results, then we're happy to give you a full refund. Put simply: If you're not bigger, then your wallet shouldn't be smaller.

Email [email protected] within 95 days from your purchase date.